I'm João a #peoplemanagement professional with 15 years of experience in areas like #tech #retail #ecommerce and #training. Devoted father, husband, and colleague, I love to understand people and help them in their personal and professional evolution. I've studied Psychology having specialized in Industrial Psychology. I also have a Master's Degree in Human Resources. Despite the "official diplomas" I'll be a forever apprentice since I really enjoy learning on a daily basis. I have a proven professional track record. I know my way around #humanresources. I've started human resources departments from the ground more than once and I've built dozens of teams. I have also managed a team of 20 FTEs and led the people area of Prozis bringing the # of FTEs from 85 to 1000 and achieving almost 200M in annual revenue. Currently, I work as VP, People @Coverflex, and as an independent Coach for startup Founders and Corporate Executives. I also work as a freelance recruitment professional, helping in the final stages of high profile recruitment processes providing candidate evaluations, minimizing the risks of a bad hire. As a Coach, I use my own model with my own tools. For the past 2 years, I've worked with more than 10 different people, from startup founders to entrepreneurs and C-Levels. Besides reading and learning, I love to cook and experiment with new recipes. I've always been a videogame player. I am somewhat of a geek. Tv shows, movies, and superheroes are part of my life too. If I had a religion, Star Wars would be it. |