Agregada em Estudos Culturais, Universidade de Aveiro.
Doutorada em Cultura Portuguesa, Mestre em Estudos Anglo-Americanos e Licenciada em Estudos Portugueses-Ingleses, Universidade do Porto.
Visiting scholar, Departamento de Inglês, Brown University, USA.
Docente, orientadora e arguente de mestrado e doutoramento em Portugal, Espanha, França, Itália, Brasil e Argélia.
Membro das COST actions CA18126 “Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City”, CA20105 “SlowMemo – Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change” e CA21166 “ShiFT, Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”.
COST Action Independent External Expert e Rapporteur.
Membro da "Community of Practice (CoP) on Science and Art in Education" (Comissão Europeia) e do projeto "Cultural Studies: A Global History" (Bard College, University of Birmingham e Auburn University).
Membro fundador da Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais e da ECREA Women’s Network.
Conselheira Editorial em Antropologia e Guest-Editor, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), UK, e Medwin Publishers.
Fundadora e diretora, E.REI – E.Revista de Estudos Interculturais (SCOPUS).
Professora Coordenadora Principal, ISCAP-Politécnico do Porto (P.PORTO).
Fundadora, diretora e investigadora do CEI – Centro de Estudos Interculturais, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Fundadora e diretora do Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Dois mandatos como diretora do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Membro do Conselho Consultivo do ISCAP-P.PORTO e da Porto Executive Academy.
Designer e diretora do Doutoramento em Intercultural Studies for Innovation, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Gestão de projetos de investigação: EnDent (2015-1-LV01-KA203-013401), Augmented Assessment (621517-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN), ENDING (2020-1-ES01-KA201-082232), TheRoute (SAICT-POL/23447/2016), StreetArtCEI, Street Art Against Covid, SciArt (2022-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000086608).
Áreas de investigação e ensino: Estudos Culturais e Interculturais; Estudos Feministas e de Género; Estudos Coloniais e Pós-Coloniais; Cultura e Literatura Portuguesa e Anglo-Americana; Etnografia; Tradução Literária; Metodologias de Investigação; Cultura Aplicada aos Negócios, Turismo e Desenvolvimento; Comunicação Intercultural; Graffiti e Street Art.
Distinções: ‘American Club of Lisbon Award for Academic Merit’; Prémio CES para Jovens Cientistas Sociais, U.COIMBRA; bolsa PRODEP III (CE); ‘Meet our Authors Campaign’, ‘best-selling title on study of poetry’ e ‘book of the month-Social Sciences’, CSP, UK; 7 prémios PAPRE (P.PORTO) para publicações em revistas de elevada qualidade; Gardners’ (UK) ‘Author of the Month’, março 2020; Prémio Santander UNICOVID; Bolsa Santander Boas Práticas em Educação Digital; júri das ‘Sete Maravilhas da Cultura Popular Portuguesa’; ‘International Impact Book Awards’, março 2022; BookFest Fall 2022 Awards, 3º lugar em ‘Business-Entrepreneurship’; Espaço T Prémio Interculturalidade 2022 – Educação; finalista Next Generation Indie Book Awards – Business, 2023; Galardão de Mérito AMEEA – Educação, 2023; representante do P.PORTO no WG “Gender Equality” da ATHENA European University, 2024.
Livros e artigos incluem, entre outros: Eastwards/Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the 21st century? (2007); Cultura Popular Portuguesa: Práticas, discursos e representações (2008); Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Theatre of Shadows (2008); From Here to Diversity: Globalizaton and Intercultural Dialogues (2010); “Interculturalism, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Studies”, Intercultural Pragmatics (2014, >100 citações); Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption (2014); Estudos Interculturais Aplicados (2015); “Intercultural Polyphonies against the Death of Multiculturalism”, Intercultural Competence (ed. Dervin & Gross, 2016); The Imagery of Writing in the Early Works of Paul Auster (2017); Cultura & Negócios (2018); Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal (2020); “Methodological Proposals and Critical Responses for the Study of Graffiti and Street Art” (2º artigo mais lido, SAUC Journal, 2020); “Tourism as Intercultural Business”, European Journal of Sustainable Development (2020); Concepts and Dialogues across Shifting Spaces in Intercultural Business (2022); “Mapping Digital Routes of Graffiti and Street Art”, 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places (COST, ed. Havik et al, 2023); “When interculturality meets business: A critical turn in Portuguese HE”, The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality (2024).
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
Website do CEI:
Facebook: Centro de Estudos Interculturais
Instagram: cei_estudosinterculturais
Galeria vídeo:
Projeto StreetArtCEI:
E.REI – E.Revista de Estudos Interculturais (SCOPUS):
Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business:
Facebook: MA in Intercultural Studies for Business
Aggregation in Cultural Studies, University of Aveiro.
PhD in Portuguese Culture, MA in Anglo-American Studies, Graduate in Portuguese-English Studies, Porto University.
Former visiting scholar, Department of English, Brown University, USA.
MA and PhD lecturer, supervisor and examiner in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Brazil and Algeria.
Member of COST actions CA18126 “Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City”, CA20105 “SlowMemo – Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change”, and CA21166 “ShiFT, Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”.
COST Action Independent External Expert and Rapporteur.
Member of the "Community of Practice (CoP) on Science and Art in Education" (European Commission) and of the project "Cultural Studies: A Global History" (University of Birmingham).
Founding member of the Portuguese Network for Cultural Studies and of ECREA Women’s Network.
Editorial advisor in Anthropology and Guest-Editor, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), UK.
Guest-Editor, Anthropology and Ethnology Journal, Medwin Publishers.
Founder and director, E.REI – E.Journal of Intercultural Studies (SCOPUS).
Tenured Full Professor, ISCAP-Polytechnic University of Porto (P.PORTO).
Founder, director and researcher, CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Founder and director of the MA in Intercultural Studies for Business, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Two mandates as director of the MA in Specialized Translation and Interpreting, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Member of the Advisory Board, ISCAP-P.PORTO and Porto Executive Academy.
Designer and director of the PhD in Intercultural Studies for Innovation, ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Project manager: EnDent (2015-1-LV01-KA203-013401), Augmented Assessment (621517-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN), ENDING (2020-1-ES01-KA201-082232), TheRoute (SAICT-POL/23447/2016), StreetArtCEI, Street Art Against Covid, SciArt (2022-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000086608).
Research and teaching areas: Cultural and Intercultural Studies; Gender and Feminist Studies; Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies; Portuguese and Anglo-American Literature and Culture; Ethnography; Literary Translation; Research Methodologies; Culture Applied to Business, Tourism and Development; Intercultural Communication; Graffiti and Street Art.
Distinctions: ‘American Club of Lisbon Award for Academic Merit’; CES Award for Young Social Scientists, U.COIMBRA; PRODEP III (EC) grant; ‘Meet our Authors Campaign’, ‘best-selling title on study of poetry’ and ‘book of the month-Social Sciences’, CSP, UK; 7 PAPRE (P.PORTO) awards for papers in high quality journals; Gardners’ (UK) ‘Author of the Month’, March 2020; Santander UNICOVID Award; Santander Grant Best Practices in Digital Education; jury of the ‘Seven Wonders of Portuguese Heritage’; March 2022 ‘International Impact Book Awards’; BookFest Fall 2022 #3 award in Business-Entrepreneurship; Espaço T ‘Interculturality Award 2022 – Education’; Next Generation Indie Book Awards – Business finalist, 2023; AMEEA Award 2023 ‘Education’; ambassador of P.PORTO at WG “Gender Equality” of ATHENA European University, 2024.
Books and articles include, among others: Eastwards/Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the 21stCentury? (2007); Portuguese Popular Culture: Practices, Discourses and Representations (2008); Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Theatre of Shadows (2008); From Here to Diversity: Globalizaton and Intercultural Dialogues (2010); “Interculturalism, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Studies”, Intercultural Pragmatics (2014, >100 citations); Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption (2014); Applied Intercultural Studies (2015); “Intercultural Polyphonies against the Death of Multiculturalism”, Intercultural Competence (ed. Dervin & Gross, 2016); The Imagery of Writing in the Early Works of Paul Auster (2017); Culture & Business (2018); Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal (2020); “Methodological Proposals and Critical Responses for the Study of Graffiti and Street Art” (2nd most read article of SAUC Journal, 2020); “Tourism as Intercultural Business”, European Journal of Sustainable Development (2020); Concepts and Dialogues across Shifting Spaces in Intercultural Business (2022); “Mapping Digital Routes of Graffiti and Street Art”, 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places (COST, ed. Havik et al, 2023); “When interculturality meets business: A critical turn in Portuguese HE”, The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality (2024).
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
CEI website:
Facebook: Centro de Estudos Interculturais
Instagram: cei_estudosinterculturais
Video Gallery:
Project StreetArtCEI:
E.REI – E.Journal of Intercultural Studies (SCOPUS):
MA in Intercultural Studies for Business:
Facebook: MA in Intercultural Studies for Business