Entrada > Formadores > Ana Margarida Silva

Ana Margarida Silva

Ana Margarida Silva é licenciada em Línguas Modernas pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (FLUC). Foi distinguida com o Prémio Feijó, da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, em 2017, bem como com o Prémio 3% Melhores Alunos, no ano letivo 2017/2018, e com o Prémio de Mérito dos Top 5% estudantes, no ano letivo 2018/2019 da Universidade de Coimbra.
Em 2021, concluiu o Mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios. Foi premiada como a Melhor Aluna do Mestrado, no ano letivo de 2020/2021 do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP) – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (P.Porto). O seu estágio curricular de mestrado foi desenvolvido na Associação para o Desenvolvimento Integrado da Rede das Aldeias de Montanha (ADIRAM). 

Atualmente é investigadora do Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI, ISCAP-P. PORTO) e estudante no Programa de Doutoramento em Estudios Culturales: Memoria, Identidad, Territorio y Lenguaje, na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, com a dissertação intitulada “A Identidade e a Memória do Território Cultural da Serra da Estrela”, tendo obtido o financiamento de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Doutoramento da FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

É formadora da PEA – Porto Executive Academy e membro das Cost Actions, CA21125 – A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR), CA21166 – Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT) e CA20105 - Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change (SlowMemo). É coordenadora do subgrupo do Working Group 2 - "Knowledge synthesis and co-creation with stakeholders" da COST Action MARGISTAR e integra o Young Researchers Council da COST Action SHiFT, enquanto “member facilitator and member contact point” da Comissão.



Ana Margarida Silva has a degree in Modern Languages from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (FLUC). She was distinguished with the Feijó Award, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, in 2017, as well as with the 3% Best Students Award, in the academic year 2017/2018, and with the Merit Award of the Top 5% students, in the academic year 2018/2019 of the University of Coimbra. In 2021, she completed her Master's Degree in Intercultural Studies for Business. She was awarded as the Best Student of the Master's Degree, in the academic year 2020/2021 of the Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP) – Polytechnic Institute of Porto (P.Porto). Her master’s curricular internship was developed at the Association for the Integrated Development of the Mountain Villages Network (ADIRAM). 

She is currently a researcher at the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI, ISCAP-P. PORTO) and a student in the PhD Program in Cultural Studies: Memory, Identity, Territory and Language, at the University of Santiago de Compostela, with the dissertation entitled "The Identity and Memory of the Cultural Territory of Serra da Estrela". having obtained funding from a PhD Research Grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: FCT.

She is a trainer at PEA – Porto Executive Academy and a member of the Cost Actions, CA21125 – A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR), CA21166 – Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT) and CA20105 - Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change (SlowMemo). She is one of the coordinators of the MARGISTAR’s COST Action Working Group 2 - "Knowledge synthesis and co-creation with stakeholders" subgroup and integrates the Young Researchers Council of Cost Action SHiFT, as a "member facilitator and member contact point" of the Council.


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