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ESMAE Baroque Orchestra

It is one of the central ensembles of the Ancient Music degree (CMA) of the School of Music and the Performing Arts. It reproduces the fundamental baroque repertoire for the students' education. The Baroque Orchestra has at least two practices each semester, performing music pieces ranging from the early days of 16th-century instrumentalism to the production of shows with multi-disciplinary and scenic components (such as the operas The Fairy Queen, by Purcell, Acis and Galatea, by Handel orBallet de la Raillerie, by Lully), or the very rich orchestral repertoire of High Baroque (Bach, Telemann, Graupner, Corelli, Vivaldi). Several professors (Ana Mafalda Castro, Benjamin Chénier, Marco Ceccato, Magna Ferreira e Pedro Sousa Silva) of the CMA share the direction of this group.

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