Entrada > Community


Porto | RuiPinheiro ©


P.PORTO reaches far beyond the boundaries of academia. Our community is not limited to a campus, a city or an area of activity. To inhabit the liquid city, and to intervene in it directly, is part of who we are. We first-person agents operating in the social and cultural fabric of the country. We promote knowledge and know-how.  We supply infrastructures, equipment, services and human support. We are cultural agents. We are part of a heritage and guardians of a legacy.

Education, training, research, development and production of innovative knowledge. Are all goals guiding our mission. But this mission reverberates beyond the classroom, the laboratory and the campus. It is lived out and makes itself felt in society.

In P.PORTO we believe that interaction between people is the main driver of development and innovation. We are committed to working with social, economic and institutional agents towards a shared goal, in which the positioning of one strengthens the positioning of all.

In P.PORTO we believe in cultural diversity and in artistic freedom, which is why we continue to offer excellence in arts education and an unparalleled cultural production. We believe in artistic creation as part of society, able to bring creators and the public closer together and encourage sharing.

In P.PORTO we believe that sport promotes social cohesion, integration and fraternisation, all of which undoubtedly contribute to the construction of our collective identity. Every day hundreds of people practice different sports in our fully-equipped sports facilities, giving meaning to a full and responsible citizenship.

We are at the forefront of community involvement in fully achieving collective aspirations and goals.

We are P.PORTO

Biblioteca do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto | JoãoPacheco©

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